Food Trends 2013

Buzzwords for 2013- Fermented everything, upscale donuts stuffed with foie gras jelly , kimchee donuts,  quinine syrups, Dubonnet, Chartreuse, Benedictine and, other golden liquor, local Gins and, bourbons, zip-code honey, tasting menus, food halls, weird desserts, white strawberries, green tomatoes, geranium leaves, hibiscus, hard cider, lobster rolls and, charcuterie boards.  Also, Chorizio, Coconut milk and, Cocount oil.

The Bar Artisan- a new occupation springs serving avande garde restaurants and, boutique hotels.  Barrel aged cocktails and, carbonated pre-made cocktails in capped bottles, beer cocktails with anti-oxidant juices.

Chipolte-  yep, they're not done with it.

Fast Food- Gourmet breads, kicked up burger toppers like guacamole, goat cheese, tropical fruit.  Also, order and, pay kiosks to speed service.

Seaweed and, Bacon will be infused and, wrapped around everything.

Restaurants will begin to charge for your bread.  There will be restaurants will be baking signature loaves.

Food trucks-  more, everywhere.
Gluten Free-  more, everywhere.

Brands -  will open restaurants like Barilla and, magazine Conde Nast.  Also, more chain restaurants will be selling their signature dishes in the frozen foods isle.

Food Source Transparency-  Consumers will demand the origin of food printed on packages and, demand more locally grown sourced foods in chain supermarkets.

New Cuts of Meat-  Localities will claim parts of protein meat as theirs @ Denver steaks.

New Fish- Arctic Char

Technology- More Smartphones will inform consumers of sales, restaurant specials and, more food apps.  Mobile/wireless/pay-at-the-table will become more common.

Baby Boomer Nutrition-  The aging demographic will control half the money spent on food by 2015.  They will demand more antioxidant and, heart healthy foods like Salmon, green tea, sweet potatoes, dark leafy greens, berries and, whole grains.

Food Waste- Consumers will become more conscience of where unsold or expired food goes.  There will be more demand for donations to food banks, etc..  Also, with more community gardens popping up so will compost piles to hold  food wastes from towns.

Flavored popcorn 

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