
     Exactly what is a Superfood?   It is a term not recognized by the FDA that describes  foods  packed with essential nutrients that can improve your health even if you are a healthy person.
     Superfoods are a special category of foods found in nature. By definition they are calorie sparse and nutrient dense meaning they pack a lot of punch for their weight as far as goodness goes. They are a superior sources of anti-oxidants and, nutrients we need but cannot make ourselves.   
     We all may be adding more salads and vegetables to our diets, but with the concern over the quality of foods grown on mineral depleted soils, consuming Superfoods makes an intelligent choice.
     Below is a list of Superfoods that I hope everybody is including in their daily diet. 

BEANS - Beans contain significant amounts of soluble fiber which can help lower cholesterol.  Beans are also high in protein, complex carbohydrates, folate, iron, vitamins A, C and all the minerals especially phosphorus, potassium and, calcium.
BLUEBERRIES  - They are the top of the food chain for antioxidants. Blueberries contain Polyhenols, a plant pigment that has the ability to kill cancer cells, inhibit tumor growth,inflammation, cardiovascular disease and even Alzheimer's.  They are also an excellent source for vitamin C, Fiber and, Magnesium.
ORANGES - Oranges are known for their vitamin C properties.  In the US the Sweet and, Tangerine varieties are grown in our tropical climates.  Oranges are full of Flavonoids and, Carotenoids which fight off cancer.  They also contain phytochemicals which help to combat heart disease.  They are a good source of thiamine, folate and, potassium.  Beware that a large portion of the calories in oranges come from Sugars.
PUMPKIN- The antioxidants in this winter squash keep skin healthy; it's potassium helps lower blood pressure. 
TOMATOES -Tomatoes are not only delicious but, they help fight heart disease and, cancer.  The secret lies in a chemical called Lycopene which gives the fruit it's red color; it is also found in Watermelon.  The are high in vitamin C and, vitamin A.  The tomato is a Nighshade fruit containing glycoalkaloids and, should be eaten in moderation for those suffering with autoimmune diseases like Arthritis and, Psoriasis.
AVACADOS - Avacados contain cholesterol lowering monosaturated fats, tons of fiber, potassium, vitamin E, folic acid and, B vitamins.They also act as a "nutrient booster" by enabling the body to absorb more fat-soluble nutrients, such as alpha and beta-carotene and lutein, in foods that are eaten with the fruit. 
BROCCOLI - Broccoli is a vitamin C gold mine; it also contains vitamin K which helps thin the blood and, guard again blot clots.
SPINACH - With spinach you will get tons of iron (which is good for your hair also, not just your blood)  plus folate and, Flavonoids loaded with antioxidants.
MUSHROOMS - Mushrooms are overlooked as a vegetable in the US.  They are meaty, filling, and, if you replace beef with them they reduce all those fatty calories in your meal.  They are a good source of fiber, protein, vitamins C , D, B6, folate, iron, zinc, maganese, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, phosphorus, potassium, copper and, selenium.  They can also protect against breast cancer by regulating estrogen levels. 
KALE - The payoff for this leafy green is lots of vitamin C, Beta-carotene, calcium, vitamins K, B6, E, Lutein and,many antioxidents.  Kale is a form of Cabbage and, genetically similar to Collard Greens, Broccoli, cauliflower and, Brussels Sprouts.  Kale is also has anti-inflammatory agents.  Use it in your soups and, minestrone.
SWEET POTATOES - The darker the color of the vegetable the richer in antioxidants so, this tuber is king.  They are loaded with beta-carotene, potassium, calcium, fiber, folate, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins K, A and, C.  Sweet potatoes are a member of the Morning Glory family unlike the sweeter Yam which is from the Lily family.  The two plants come from different parts of the world.  The Yam is said to be have been cultivated in Asia before 8,000BC.  The Sweet Potato was cultivated by the American Indians and,  brought back to Europe by Christopher Columbus.
CHARD - Supercharged with B-complex vitamin groups like thiamin,B6, folate and, manganese.  Also known as Swiss Chard it contains fiber, beta-carotene, vitamins C and K, beta-carotene, omega 3 fatty acids for your heart and, lutein for your eyes.    
DANDELION -This is a bitter green plant rarely seen in produce stores in the U.S. and, when I do see it they are over grown, large and, tasteless.  The best crop comes from your back yard before the flower blooms; cut the green leaves at dirt level, wash, dry, then toss the leaves in your salad the same way you would use Arugula or Radicchio lettuces.  Dandelions are mostly used in Mediterranean diets , they are as medicinal as delicious.  Dandelions are the "Nutritional All-Star."  They are nature's richest source of beta-carotene of any of the green vegetables and, that creates mucho vitamin A.  Rich in fiber, potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and, B complex vitamins.   Dandelions can prevent or help many liver diseases such as jaundice or, hepatitis; act as a tonic and, gentle diuretic to purify your blood, cleanse your system, dissolve kidney stones, and, improve your gastro-intestinal health.  Dandelions are excellent for your skin health,(can drastically improve acne) lower high blood pressure; prevent or cure enemia, lower your serum cholesterol; and, reduce acid indigestion by cutting the heaviness of fatty foods.
SEAWEED - Seaweed has been considered a perfect food in Asia for thousands of years.  It has high protein and, mineral contents and, has more vitamin C than an Orange.  It also has Natural Iodine to maintain a healthy Thyroid function (not to be compared to the toxic substitute added to table salt).  Seaweed has anti-viral, anti-bacterial and, anti-inflammatory properties in addition to Polysaccharides which is important in the prevention of degenerative diseases including cardiovascular and Type 2 Diabetes and, it increases the amount of feel-good chemicals in the brain, improves liver function and, stabilizes blood sugar. Seaweed draws an extraordinary wealth of mineral elements from the sea that can account for up to 36% of its dry mass. This food is high in , calcium, magnesium, iron, vitamins C and A, protein, Vitamins B, fiber,  alpha linoleic acid and, EPA.
Seaweed health benefits include: healthy hearing, improved memory, clear skin, good eyesight, dental health, healthy thyroid function, improved immune system, prevents allergies and infections, lowers blood pressure, nurtures healthy heart vessels, normalizes cholesterol levels, support bone health and, aids in digestion.
   You can find it in Japanese Miso Soup and, Sushi.
EDAMAME - Edamame (a legume) are young green soy beans. A new study from the Chinese University of Hong Kong indicates that soy protein containing isoflavones (phytoestrogens) significantly reduced overall cholesterol and LDL "bad" cholesterol, and raised HDL or "good" cholesterol.  They pack more fiber per serving than shredded-wheat cereal and, have the same amount of protein as a roasted turkey.  They also contain vitamins C and A, calcium and, iron.  Toss them into your salad they are delicious.
WHOLE GRAINS -Grains that have not been refined are Whole Grains.  They pack more nutrients and, vitamins like magnesium, potassium and, selenium.  Whole grains haven't had their bran and germ removed by milling, making them good sources of fiber.  There is so much to mention on the topic of wheat that I suggest my readers to read the "Sugar Busters"  series of books.  These books will educate you on why we should stay away from all the "white foods," like white bread, white potatoes, etc..especially if you have Type 2 Diabetes or Heart Disease. 
LENTILS - The Lentil belongs to the Legume Family.  There are many sizes and, colors of Lentils that grow as seeds inside pods.  It's been a part of the human diet since the Aceramic (non-pottery producing) Neolithic times.  Lentils are one of the first crops ever domesticated for human consumption.  Over 25% of it's calories come from protein.  There is also fiber, folate, vitamin B1 and lots of iron.  They can help protect against certain birth defects.
GREEN TEA - Green tea contains many antioxidants, called Catechins, that scavenge for free radicals that can damage DNA and contribute to cancer, blood clots, and, andatherslerosis.  Green tea performs much the same way as grapes and berries, red wine, and dark chocolate.
Because of green tea's minimal processing -- its leaves are withered and steamed, not fermented which maintains it's properties.
EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL - See previous article.
WALNUTS, PEANUTS, ALMONDS - Most nuts are heart healthy delicious treats.  Walnuts are a fantastic source of Omega-3 fatty acids.  Those are the fats that lower the bad cholesterol (LDL) and, raise the good (HDL).  Peanuts and, Almonds are monounsaturated fats rich in protein and, help keep blood vessels healthy.  All three nuts are studied for their anti-aging magic. Macadamia nuts are also very healthy.
RAW HONEY - Not only is Honey delicious and, a great substitute for sugar but, it is high in beta-carotene, vitamins A, C, D, E, K and B-complex.  Also many minerals such as magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus, iron, calcium, chlorine, potassium, iodine, sodium, copper and manganese. 
Raw honey contains live enzymes; these help your body break down foods and undigested particles, proteins, orgainic acids, hormones, anti-microbrial factors and, anti-biotic factors. It's benefits are: Anti-Bacterial, Anti-Allergenic, Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Toxic, Expectorant, Laxative, Sedative , Anti-Anemic and, Fever reducing.  Honey is used to treat : Chronic Bronchitis, Asthmatic Bronchitis, Bronchial Asthma, Chronic Rhinitis, Sinusitis, Nerve damage and, many skin disorders.
GREEK YOGURT -  Greek Yogurt is richer in probiotics and, protein than conventional yogurt.  Probiotics improve digestion and, increase your immunity.
OATMEAL - Oatmeal can lower your bad cholesterol (LDL) and, fights against heart disease.  It is filled with soluble fiber, mass amounts of minerals like manganese, folate, calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium,sodium zinc, copper, magnesium, selenium.  There is also Lutein for your eyes and, protein.  In one cup of Oatmeal you will find 1782mg. of Omega-6 fatty acids.
APPLES - Apples are the perfect fruit.  They contain vitamins A and, C, fiber, potassium, calcium, phosphorus,iron.  They are fat and, sodium free.  Apples are 80% water, 5% protein 10% carbohydrates, 25% air , which is why they float in water.  Apples have been found to reduce risk of Stroke, Type-2 Diabetes (eat raw in moderation and, No Sugar Added juices) Asthma, plague build up in Arteries and, because they contain Pectin Apples are very good for the bowels.  Flavonoids are abundant along with phytochemicals in the skins of Apples hence, they inhibit the reproduction of colon cancer cells.   Serve Apples with Pork, Lamb and, Duck.
ONIONS - The onion has been a part of the human diet for along time. 
It has been used in traditional medicines since ancient times for its health promoting and curative properties.
Onions are very low in calories and fats but, rich in soluble dietary fiber.  The phytochemical compounds allium and, Allyyl disulphide in onion have anti-mutagenic (protects from cancers) and anti-diabetic properties (helps lower blood sugar levels in diabetics). They are rich source of chromiun, the trace mineral that helps tissue cells respond appropriately to insulin levels in the blood; thus helps facilitate insulin action and control sugar levels in diabetes. They are also good source of antioxidant Flavonoid, quercetin,  which is found to have anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetogenic functions. Onions are also a weath of  antioxidant  vitamin C and the mineral manganese.  In addition are isothiocyanate antioxidants which offer relief from the cold and flu by exerting anti-inflammatory actions.  Onions are also good in B-complex group of vitamins like pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, folates and thiamin.  Pyridoxine or vitamin B-6 helps keep up GABA levels in the brain which works against neurotic conditions.  Equally good are Shallots, Scallions, Leeks and other Allium plants.
EGGS - The whites of the egg offer lots of protein while the yolks offer vitamins B-12 and A and, Lutein for your eyes.  Eggs now have less cholesterol and, contain 41I.U. of vitamin D , which is an increase of 65% from 2002.  Eggs are one of the few foods that are a naturally good source of vitamin D.
WILD SALMON - Why wild?  Because it is exposed to fewer toxins than the farmed Atlantic variety.  Salmon is rich in all the minerals including calcium.  It contains vitamins A, D, B-6, B-12 , magnesium, pantothenic acid and, lots of protein.  A 4oz. filet has 4,000mg. of omega-3 fatty acids.  Omega-3 fats  primarily work through reducing inflammation in our bodies. Inflammation is turning out to be at the base of many health problems, including heart disease, diabetes, some types of cancers and arthritis. Omega-3’s also help prevent the blood clots which cause many strokes.
LAMB -  If you desire red meat this is the choice for you.  Lamb has a rich supply of high quality protein and, the amino acid, carnitine.   Because of improved farming practices all red meat has less cholesterol and, Lamb has less than Pork or Beef.  It is rich in iron, vitamins B-6, B-12, Riboflavin and, minerals copper, manganese, selenium, potassium and, zinc. Lamb possesses Palmitolei acid which is a 16-carbon monounsaturated fatty acid which supplies the meat with strong antimicrobial properties.
DARK CHOCOLATE - Chocolate is made from plants, which means it contains many of the health benefits of dark vegetables. These benefits are from Flavonoids, which act as antioxidants.   Antioxidants protect the body from aging caused by free radicals, which can cause damage to your heart.  Dark chocolate contains a large number of antioxidants (nearly 8 times the number found in strawberries). Flavonoids also help relax blood pressure through the production of nitric oxide and, balance certain hormones in the body.  Some health benefits of Dark Chocolate are that it lowers the bad cholesterol, stimulates endorphin production which gives you a feeling of pleasure, it contains serotonin, which acts as an anti-depressant ,it contains theobromine, caffeine and other substances which are stimulants.  There is some fat in Chocolate but, only one third of the fat is bad for you.  The three fats in Dark Chocolate are: Oleic acid, a healthy monounsaturated fat that is also found in olive oil, Stearic acid, a saturated fat which has a neutral effect on cholesterol and, Palmitic acid which is also a saturated fat, one which could raise cholesterol and heart disease risk.

ORAC* Units Per 100 Grams
Dark Chocolate 13,120
Milk Chocolate 6,740
Prunes 5,770
Raisins 2,830
Blueberries 2,400
Blackberries 2,036
Kale 1,770
Strawberries 1,540
Spinach 1,260
Raspberries 1,220
Brussel Sprouts 980
Plums 949
Alfalfa Sprouts 980
Broccoli Florets 890
Oranges 750
Grapes, Red 739
Red Bell Pepper 710
Cherries 670
Onion 450
Corn 400
Eggplant 390
*ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) is a measure of the ability of food to subdue harmful oxygen free radicals that can damage our bodies.

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